Friday, September 28, 2007

Populating a Password Textbox at Runtime

Having an with a password property (TextMode="Password"), you cannot simply set the textbox's .Text attribute at runtime to populate the control with a value. Rather, you have to do the following:

this.txtPassword.Attributes["value"] = {whatever value from variable or DB}

Many thanks to:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Converting Enum instance to string for evaluation

I came across a situation where I needed to get a Querystring value and evaluate it against a Enum used for display modes.

// Display Mode Enum
public enum Mode

// Evalutate Querystring
object oDisplayMode = Request.QueryString["mode"];
if (oDisplayMode != null)
displayMode = (Mode)Enum.Parse(typeof(Mode), oDisplayMode.ToString(), true);

// Put into ViewState for next postback
ViewState["DisplayMode"] = displayMode;

Monday, September 10, 2007

Get names of all columns for a table in SQL Server

FROM syscolumns
WHERE [id] = OBJECT_ID('table_name')